As some packages are shipped internationally, you may not see updates via local couriers until the package is cleared by local customs and entry is granted into your location. If your order is still under the estimated delivery time frame, kindly wait patiently. Once this process has been completed, you will see tracking updates.
If your order has not been updated for a long time and is overdue, Kindly contact the shipping courier, or contact us here for help.
Here are some common contact numbers for logistics service providers in the United States:
1. **USPS (United States Postal Service)**
- Customer Service: 1-800-275-8777
2. **UPS (United Parcel Service)**
- Customer Service: 1-800-742-5877
3. **FedEx**
- Customer Service: 1-800-463-3339
4. **DHL Express**
- Customer Service: 1-800-225-5345
5. **Amazon Logistics**
- Customer Service: 1-888-280-4331